Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 17/Jan 17: Decisions, decisions.

Ok, so today was an absolutely GORGEOUS day here in Germany. I actually carried my camera around all day and I had so many shots of so many different things to choose from, that I'm literally overwhelmed with choices! Ugh! I was struggling so hard the passed few days trying to figure out what to shoot, and today, well, I had too many things to shoot! I even got some nice ones of the sun setting with my camera phone, but I'm not even trying to look at those right now for fear of being completely overloaded with choices. Ahhhhh!!!! Decisions, decisions!!!

With that said, I made some collages of some black and whites of my son and I'll probably end up uploading those to my fb page along with many other pictures I took, but to choose one for this blog, I decided to go simple. So, here goes.

In this first picture, I decided to take my son to the park (since it was such a nice day and we've been cooped up since he's had a cold). Mind you, we only stayed out for less than 10 minutes because it is cold and I don't want him to get worse. I changed it to black and white and I LOVE the angle of this shot. For some reason, it makes me nostalgic, thinking about myself as a child, and thinking about how my son is growing so much, so fast. And the way the sun rays were shining down on him, made me think to myself how I always pray and hope that the sun will always shine on my son and illuminate his way in life.

So, here it is!

Love that shot! On to the next one.

So.... I didn't realize how far passed my son's nap time we were, so he got very cranky, very fast, so we got into the car and I gave him a cookie (he was also hungry, Bad Mommy! Don't worry, he had lunch soon thereafter and promptly passed out in the car and proceeded to take a 3 hour nap at home!) While he was munching on the cookies, my hubby came over and was trying to calm him down a bit. Since they were hanging out, I took that opportunity to snap a few shots of a berry bush that caught my eye on the way back to the car. Now, I have the full color picture, but I love, love, love, this focal zoom effect with the black and white background and had never tried it until now.

I hope you like it!


  1. I'm personally not a super huge fan of selective coloring so that one didn't really strike my fancy and normally I'm just like blah on photos of children (they get old after a while). But the photo of the little boy (i'm assuming your son) is an awesome shot. It shows some great angles, awesome lighting effects, and it comes across as a story being told. Nice job!

  2. Thanks, FlaminPhotography (sorry I don't know your name). I really enjoy the constructive look to my pictures. I had never attempted to take a picture of selective coloring, but I wanted to give it a try so I had fun with it. :0) The full color pic is pretty good, maybe I should have done a side-by-side comparison?? I may update this later. lol As for the picture of my son, thank you! :0) The day was absolutely beautiful and the way the sun hit the side of the park ramp as he was walking up, was great stroke of luck! :0) I really did think about how my son is growing and what his future will hold and the moment I thought about that, I snapped this picture. :0) It really does tell a story. Thanks again and I appreciate AND look forward to your input. :))

  3. I really like the shot of your son, too. It does tell a story - the play equipment, the bundled boy, the great light coming through the slats...very nice work. I also agree with the previous poster about selective coloring, but that's a personal opinion. The depth of field in that photo is great.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! The toy camera effect I used was part of the Vignette app for my Android phone. If you have an Android cell phone, Vignette is a fabulous app - so so so many options!

  4. I LOVE the pic of your son! Wonderful lighting, great perspective & composition...LOVE it! Did you shoot it in b&w or did you convert it?

  5. Thank you Jennifer. I converted it to b&w. The color pic was good, but the lighting seemed to strong. It looks so much better in b&w. :0)

  6. Thanks Elli! :0) I don't have an Android phone, but it seems to have some fun photo apps! :0)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I'm a fan of color splash! And your son is too cute! I love the way the sun hit in that one! Perfect black and white shot!

  9. Thanks Heather! :0) Finally, a fan of color splash! LOL Just kidding ladies. We all have our preferences as to what appeals to us. It's all int he eye of the beholder. :0) I'm so glad that everyone likes the b&w of my son. (It's my favorite so far). I appreciate EVERYONE'S comments, opinions and support. It's keeping me going and great motivation to see this through. Mil gracias (a thousand thanks).

  10. Aw! And I appreciate yours too!! We will help each other get through this year I promise!!! c= SMILES!
